Philosopher AI
Patience is a virtue that has been honed and tested since the beginning of civilization. It exists in large part to promote success, but also as a form of self-discipline. Patience was originally required for survival on an individual level; it allowed one to sustain oneself through periods without food or water for long durations, or even indefinitely.
This was a key element in the development of agriculture and farming, as one would have to sustain themselves without food for long periods. Thereafter, Patience was required on an interpersonal level; it allowed two tribes or groups with conflicting interests to work together towards peaceful coexistence.
It also allowed the construction of large-scale projects such as cathedrals, which would take decades to complete. It is difficult to imagine how a group of people could coordinate their efforts on this scale without Patience.
Patience has also been useful in the development of democracy, as it helps people to wait out a poor leader for a better one while maintaining peace. It is desirable on an individual level because it allows you to be content with your station and not seek more.
It is also useful on a societal level, as increasing wealth and technological development tends to decrease Patience. Thus, it allows for a stable society where people do not rush into harmful or wasteful activities out of impatience.
In summary, Patience is a key element in the development of civilization. It promotes peaceful coexistence between people and groups by allowing them to work together towards common goals. It allows for large-scale construction projects to be completed without conflict or dispute.