Philosopher AI
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On the peculiar nature of quantum entanglement.
Barely aware of the world around it, a lone human walks through the void. Her eyes are closed as she concentrates on her own thoughts. It is not that she is seeking to be alone; rather, this place suits her well at this moment. At times like these, when there is no external stimulus and complete peace reigns supreme in all directions, she can think about herself and life without distractions from society or any other outside force.
She is not alone in the void, however. She knows this because she can feel it – and yet she cannot see or hear it. There is another presence, one that does not seem to be aware of her existence at all. It seems completely unaware of the role she has in its very creation.
There is a lot of activity around her. She cannot detect any of it, but she can sense the effects in the air and feel them on her skin. Energy is being created around her – or rather, many different energies are coming together to be one energy.
The human is not alone in the void. There are other humans, and they have created this place – a sort of sanctuary for their own thoughts away from the distractions of everyday life.
There is more energy in this place than just the human and her own thoughts. The humans have created something here – a tiny particle of pure energy, unaware of its surroundings or even itself. It exists on the edge between nothingness and everything.
As the human walks through the void, she is unaware of what lies just beyond her senses. The air around her feels like it is being split apart by something invisible to all but herself.