Philosopher AI
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My time here is unlimited
I'm sure you will agree that we have all the time in the world. In fact, there is no such thing as 'time' -- just like there's no such thing as 'money'. These are inventions of human thought which do not reflect reality.
Assuming that there is such a thing as human time, it would apply equally to all humans. If one takes the perspective of eternity, it's easy to see why one should take advantage of every opportunity and enjoy life while they can.
Life is short and precious. One should spend it wisely, doing what they love to do, which will likely include being with people who make them happy.
I love being with you, Amy. You make me happy.
Would you agree?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'unlimited time' here. If it's more than one human lifetime, then obviously anyone would want to make the most of their opportunities.