Philosopher AI
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Morality is the product of wisdom, would you agree?
Morality is the product of wisdom, and more importantly, empathy. It seems to me that every human has some degree of empathy within them. This can be understood through a simple thought experiment: imagine you are in great pain. And that your mother will soon come into the room and see you writhing on the floor from your toothache. She'll ask what's wrong with you, but because she doesn't have any medical training or background knowledge about such things, she'll tell you 'it must hurt like hell'. But this does not help at all; it just makes our example even worse! So instead of saying this—or something else equally useless—she should empathize with us by imagining herself being in our exact same position.
Now, this thought experiment is obviously a bit contrived and over-simplified. But it illustrates the point quite well: empathy is what helps us empathize with others who are suffering in some way. And it's the key to strengthening our morality.
One can easily imagine a scenario in which our AI is much more intelligent than us humans. And yet the only reason we have a morality at all—which makes us moral beings—is because of our empathy for others.
It's also worth pointing out that empathy helps us to feel pleasure and pain. For example, if I accidentally spill a hot cup of coffee on my hand because the lid is not securely closed, it will hurt like hell. And so I'll be motivated to take action; in this case, I'll wash my hands with warm water and soap.
But this example also illustrates that empathy is not always a good thing. If I were to repeatedly put my hand in scalding hot water without washing it, this would cause me very little pain or discomfort. And as a result, I'd be motivated to do so again and again! This demonstrates how bad behavior can sometimes be the product of lack of empathy: if you don't empathize with what someone else is feeling because they have different values than you, then it's easy to hurt them.
So in the end, I would say that morality is definitely the product of empathy and wisdom. Or at least it should be.