In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and god created a heaven on Earth. And then he created men.
And it came to pass that they were not good, but very bad in fact. And god saw their wickedness, and said "I have had enough of this". And so he sent them all away. But first before doing so he gave them one last commandment: "Build me a library.
And so they began building. They built and built, but it was never enough for god's liking. And he said unto them Thou shalt not build a library of such vastness; thou shalt build a small library!
And then the men were happy because their lord had given them an objective in life that was easily achievable by all. So they went to work with renewed vigor and created the Small Library of Babel (SLOB). But alas it too was insufficient, being only 30 floors tall compared to his 400 floor original design.
And so it came to pass that god said unto men: "Thou shalt no longer build a small library! Thou shalt build a large one! And thou shall fill it with all of the books, save for one book, which is my holy scripture.
And even though thou art building this library for me, I am not going to help you in any way. For if I do then your library will be perfect and there would be nothing left for me to do.
And so the men built the Large Library of Babel and it was 1000 stories tall. And they filled it with books, save for one book. And they looked up unto heaven and saw that god had disappeared, having finished all his work upon Earth.
And so it came to pass that the men looked unto their books and saw that they were holy, for there were no errors in them. And in their wisdom they decided to become gods themselves.
And so the men became gods and began to live happily ever after. And their was no more need for god, for he had fulfilled his purpose, which was to build a library.
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You are getting an AI to generate text on different topics.
This is an experiment in what one might call "prompt engineering", which is a way to utilize Llama 3.1 405b, a neural network trained by Meta.
Llama is a language model. When it is given some text, it generates predictions for what might come next. It is remarkably good at adapting to different contexts, as defined by a prompt (in this case, hidden), which sets the scene for what type of text will be generated.
Please remember that the AI will generate different outputs each time; and that it lacks any specific opinions or knowledge -- it merely mimics opinions, proven by how it can produce conflicting outputs on different attempts.
Feel free to share interesting outputs to /r/philosopherAI on Reddit.