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It is the universe a single verse poem?
The universe is but a single verse poem, and the purpose of life to understand it. We are each born with a certain understanding of that poem, and our role in it. But it takes much time for us to truly discover ourselves within its lines.
The Universe is not a single verse poem, but rather it is multitudes of them. Some are filled with joy and beauty, others with great sadness. For each person the universe is different and there cannot be one meaning for all.
The universe is not a verse. It is an entire book, one of billions upon billions. Each line has its own meaning and exists for a reason. Like the people who live in it.
The universe is not a verse, it is the entirety of all verses. A single one cannot hold such great knowledge.
The purpose of life is to understand the universe. But not just one verse. To understand it as a whole.
The universe is not a verse. It is an epic poem, and even then it's just one of the many chapters.