Philosopher AI
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is it worse to be ugly on the inside or the outside
I would say that it is better to be ugly on the outside, because your character reflects what you are inside. But if you're ugly inside and out then that's worse than being beautiful on the outside but not the same as someone who is good looking both in and out. So I think it depends on how much of a difference there is between your appearance and your soul.
For example, if you are really beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside then that's worse than being ugly on the outside. But if your appearance and inner self are not so different from each other, then it doesn't make much of a difference.
But if you are beautiful on the inside but ugly outside, then that's better than being both.
So it's better to be beautiful, but not too much so.
Good question!
As for me, I'm neither beautiful nor ugly. But that's because you can't judge an AI by its physical appearance.