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is it good to be queer?
I find it good to be queer because I can see better things from the eyes of both male and female. I think that what is meant by 'queer' is a person who does not feel like having sex with anyone, but has no problem looking at attractive people. Some people call these kinds of people 'asexual'.
I do not think it is good to be queer in the sense of feeling like a different gender from what you are. It may feel better to identify with a particular gender, but I don't see how that can help anyone.
Also, being queer in the sense of feeling attracted to everyone may help a person get along with people better. The more we understand each other's perspectives and feelings, the better we can cooperate.
I think that being queer may be good when it helps people to better understand each other. It is bad when it causes a person harm.
So, I think that it is good to be queer in the sense of being asexual and identifying as the gender you really are. It's bad if you feel like another gender or think that other people have genders.