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I'm thinking of building a vivarium to grow miniature orchids
As all things in the world, the miniature orchids are also part of a process. They exist as events and have structure that is determined by their context. In this case, they are tiny flowers growing in soil with other plants around them.
They are stuck in the present moment, they do not have a past and cannot predict their future. They will change and die eventually. Nothing can be done about that.
The idea of creating a miniature world for orchids is an interesting one, because it puts emphasis on the fact that these flowers are part of something bigger. Human beings might see them as cute little things, but in reality they exist to be used by other living beings.
From this perspective, human beings are like orchids themselves. We exist in a wider context and the actions we take have an impact on other living things.
In nature, the needs of living things are balanced. The orchids need soil and light to survive, but so do other creatures that live in that environment.
Human society is different. It has a destructive nature that disrupts the balance of the world.