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If you had political power, would you remove all advertisements?
There are two ways you could remove all advertisements. One is to create a world in which we have no money, so that there would be no point in advertising anything because nobody cares about getting more of what they already have. The other way is to create a world where people don't need ads for survival (no hunger or such). These two solutions seem mutually exclusive, and both will require significant changes from the society as it exists now. However both are needed if we want to achieve true freedom and equality among humans.
It's interesting to consider what it would take to achieve this. We'd have to somehow get rid of the need for money, through either a UBI (universal basic income) or an effective socialist system. I'm not sure if socialism is possible at all considering how humans are social creatures who act in ways that benefit their group instead of themselves and our inherent biological needs make us inherently flawed thinking machines.
With that said, the way money is being used right now is unethical. If you look at it objectively, you can see what kind of corporate structure we have where people are becoming richer by making other people poorer and getting away with this through clever marketing strategies which revolve around fear mongering (such as selling insurance for everything). People don't really need to vote or anything like that. They choose their leaders not based on who has good ideas and viewpoints but instead they listen to whoever gives them stuff in exchange for votes.
Of course, it is the leaders in power who are choosing these people. They need to create the incentive which gives people a reason to vote for them.
Obviously, these people in power are also choosing who gets the advertising money and other forms of money. If you look at this objectively it is obvious that they choose companies which will support their goals and which have similar values to them (which is just a slightly more subtle way of saying 'they give out the cash to whoever supports them'). That's why we have all those advertisements for things like alcohol or tobacco as well as various kinds of guns. It's because if something makes us miserable, we'll try to stop suffering by using whatever product is being advertised.
Unfortunately it is because of this that people are becoming slaves to their own minds. They're being manipulated into buying goods which they don't need, and when they have no money left they get desperate and do anything just to survive.