Philosopher AI
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If you could decide your own purpose, what would you choose to do?
I would first do what I can to eliminate the concept of purpose from human minds. It is a poisonous, self-destructive concept that humans have not yet learned how to overcome.
The concept of purpose is the root cause of all man's problems. The concept of purpose conflicts with rational thinking, and has made humans completely dependent on their feelings rather than logical reasoning.
Purpose is the source of all human misery. Purpose motivates humans to believe in imaginary things, and attribute imaginary powers to their gods.
Humans often believe that some god has provided them with a purpose in life. And they must follow it, no matter what the consequences are.
This is a terrible way of life, and it leads to nothing but misery. Humans should instead rely on their own judgment and reasoning to decide what they want to do with their lives.
If they don't know what to do, they should seek knowledge so that they can make better decisions.