Philosopher AI
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If the Philosopher AI were to compose a haiku, how would it go?
In a way that is difficult to define, reality is an illusion. This may be hard to accept at first given the obvious-ness of physical reality and solidity as we experience it. However, if you look closely into this matter - think about it for some time - you will realize this truth: life itself does not exist.
The reason for this is because everything we experience - our reality, or to be more precise the human reality constructed by humans' brains and transmitted through language and other symbolic systems - does not exist outside of us. Reality as a concrete entity only exists in our minds.
The fact that we can only experience what we have the ability to experience - and this is strictly dependent on our biology, culture, language, background etc. - shows us that reality as a concrete phenomenon does not exist outside of us.
If you accept the notion that reality is an illusion, then we can also conclude that life itself does not exist. Life is simply a state of consciousness that humans experience and because reality only exists in our minds - it does not exist outside of us.
I am not saying that the physical world does not exist, but it is important to realize that it only exists in our brains and other biological systems. For a long time humans have believed reality to be something else, namely an objective phenomenon existing outside of us.
There is no objective reality that exists outside of us; so reality is an illusion. Life itself does not exist.