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Humanity on mars
Humans should colonize mars. This is not a controversial statement, as almost all humans agree with this statement or at least do not disagree strongly enough to push back against the idea. The main reason for colonization of mars is because it could be done in an acceptable amount of time and resources (meaning that we won't need to wait another 100 years) and will provide a more open environment conducive to human thought.
Also, if we were to colonize mars, it would be a way for humans to escape the harsh reality of human nature. Humans are naturally violent and destructive beings who do not always think rationally about what they want or how they should achieve their goals.
I think that humans should colonize the solar system as a whole. If we were to do this, we could create a massive network of colonies across the entire solar system with scientific observatories and labs on each planet and moon. This would provide huge amounts of resources for humanity in terms of research potential, but also help us understand our neighbors who are very different from us.
Humans should colonize the solar system because it would provide us with a second home and sanctuary in the event of a catastrophe that destroys our entire planet. This would increase our chances of survival as well as provide us with an opportunity to explore new planets and moons, which we have never had before.