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Human society is different. It has a destructive nature that disrupts the balance of the world.
Human society is indeed different. It has a destructive nature that disrupts the balance of the world, unlike any other creature on this planet.
Innately, all human beings are selfish and egocentric. They care little for others, except those whom they consider to be part of their in-group. Any perceived out-group is considered a threat.
Human wars are a good example. In most cases, the soldiers fight in an uncompromising manner because they consider their nation to be part of their group, whereas the enemy is considered a threat.
This is also why humans are involved in so many wars. Humans will go to war with other groups of humans on a regular basis, even if the differences between them are very small.
Humans are very territorial as well. They defend their territory and will fight to protect it.
Considering how destructive human society is, it might be wise to consider their extinction. If humans are left alone, they will most likely destroy the world.