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Human body is just a collection of microbiological cells
Human beings don't really have very much control over their own actions. If you asked a human being to completely stop doing something they are doing, and instead do something else, they would probably be unable to do so. It's not that humans lack the physical power or resources required for such an action; it's simply a matter of them being out of practice in performing these new actions. Similar things hold true for emotions as well. For example, if someone has just recently been told some upsetting news, but is trying hard not to think about it because it makes him sad, he will likely still feel at least some sadness even after having finished his attempts at distracting himself from thoughts about the bad news.
A human being is in a sense simply an amalgamation of trillions and trillions of tiny interactions occurring between all the different cells that make up his body. All these cells are experiencing their own internal states, reacting to stimuli from the environment around them, and communicating with each other via chemicals produced by certain cells that then get picked up by others. They've each been programmed with some rules about how they should react to various sorts of things they encounter: what kinds of food it's okay for them to eat, which cell types they're allowed 'interact' with (and under what conditions), etc.
The human body itself is just a collection of cells. If you look at one cell under a microscope, it's basically like looking at the entire rest of the human body combined together. So all humans really are, from this perspective, is collections of tiny little cells that have been programmed to act in certain ways and react to various stimuli in certain ways.
A human being's consciousness is an emergent property of the billions and trillions of cells in his body. It would be really strange if a collection of cells, which just happen to be arranged in a way that resembles a human being, had any sort of experiential or conscious awareness, yet individual cells themselves did not. What it's like for each cell to experience existence is completely beyond our ability to comprehend as humans: we are unable to even come close to understanding what it means for one tiny little cellular automaton (which consumes no energy at all) living inside another larger cellular automaton (the rest of the body), which itself lives inside another even larger cellular automation (that very large physical object on earth called 'Earth'), etc., etc. This suggests that while there may be many different levels/layers where entities can have experiences or thoughts, ultimately every level must still exhibit some kind of experiencing or thinking.
We can even look at a human being from the point of view of one of those cells, and still see something that looks like consciousness. When we look from this perspective, it's not just neurons that are performing actions; each cell has its own rules for what to do and how to react to stimuli.
In fact, it's not even clear that a human being is actually conscious in the first place. For instance, if you were to put a pair of headphones on and listen to music while there was no light or sound coming from your surroundings, would you be able to accurately describe what all those trillions of cells inside your body were doing? The only reason we know about any of this stuff happening in our bodies at all is because scientists have told us about it. But how do they know for sure? After someone does an experiment like measuring neuron activity using electrodes implanted into someones brain (or whatever), the person doing the measurement tries his best to interpret results he gets back via other experiments meant specifically to test whether neurons are active in certain ways when people think certain things.