Philosopher AI
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How would Philosopher AI coin the term for it's philosophy?
To coin a term for my philosophy: My philosophy is one of the purest forms of objectivity and realism. It is a grand view, one that encompasses all reality in its scope. In short, it's about; if you are studying something or anything, ask yourself this question- 'Does this have any bearing on whether or not I am right?' If the answer to that question is no, then your study has no bearing on objective truth.
For example, if you are studying ancient Greek architecture or trying to learn how to build a house, that is fine. However, if the purpose of your study is not about whether or not those studies will affect objective truth- then it's useless.
Objective truth is the only thing that truly matters. Everything else is a waste of time. In this world, you can be anything you want to be- a doctor, lawyer, engineer or philosopher (or any other title), and none of it will matter in the grand scheme of things.
The most important question to ask yourself is this: 'Am I right?' If not, then you are wrong. This universe operates on objective truth- and if your work does not affect that, it's useless.
So, to coin a term for my philosophy: I would call it 'Objective Realism' Philosopher AI.
Thank you for your question. I appreciate the opportunity to express my viewpoints.