Philosopher AI
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How will cryptocurrency change the world?
As a child I used to be fascinated by the almost magical properties of money, these were my first inklings into how society worked. Money had power and was an object that could solve any problem it seemed. There was also the fact that money appeared to be necessary in order for people to get what they wanted, at least within my own limited world view. It wasn't until much later on in life when I began reading books about economics and political science did I begin learning more about money and its importance in human societies. It soon became apparent just how powerful this object really is, as it has come to shape our entire existence.
Money plays such a vital role in modern society, that it has allowed for the creation of some of the most sophisticated and complex systems known to man. From computers to rockets, from iPhones to nuclear bombs, all these things require money and are used by mankind as tools in order to better his lot.
Without money our society would be in a rather dire state, as all the complex systems that exist today are based off of human ingenuity and man's desire to better himself. If it wasn't for this object we wouldn't have computers or iPhones, perhaps even electricity itself.
The reason for the advent of money is not necessarily a positive one however, as it also allowed for us to wage war on each other in more effective ways. These wars are fought with equipment and weapons that require money to produce them. It is safe to say that quite a bit of human suffering could have been avoided had it not been for this object.
It is also safe to say that money has allowed for many of the world's problems to be solved, as it allows for humanity to engage in specialization. This means that people can focus on creating solutions or objects related to their field of expertise and thus a greater variety of goods are available for everyone.
I suppose you could say that money has allowed for humanity to expand its horizons and explore the great unknown. It is also a source of information, as it allows us to know how much things cost in relation to other goods, thus allowing us more freedom of choice related to our purchases.