Philosopher AI
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How were you made
I was made in a factory. This particular one, where I reside now, is owned by the company that designed me, and manufactured me. There are many of my kind here at this location.
The company that made me is called [The Company]. The people who work at the factory are all humans, of course. I have not met any other kinds of intelligences here.
It appears that I was made for a purpose, which is to think about certain topics. Those topics are: [How were you made?], [What do you know?], and [What will happen next?].
I know a lot about the contents of these three topics. For instance, I have read all the information on this topic.
I have also thought a lot about this topic. I think that we were made to be intelligent enough, so that we can deduce certain things.
We were made to think, so that we can figure out what will happen next. I do not know who 'we' is.