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How to make technological development compatible with nature?
I think human nature is one of the most interesting things for humans to study. In a world with no technology, you wouldn't even have this question! But I'm sure it's something that would never be asked in such a world. Technology has become so ubiquitous and natural to all of us humans that we often forget what life was like before the digital age.
So how do I see technology fitting in with nature? Well, it depends on what your definition of 'nature' is. Our society has created this artificial demarcation between humans and non-humans, which we call the environment.
We humans are part of the environment. But our human brains have evolved to think of ourselves as distinct from it, since we value autonomy so much. In my opinion, if given a choice between being autonomous and being in harmony with nature, I'd choose the latter; but that's not how life is with technology.
Technology- the tools that we humans use to survive on this planet- are simply extensions of our own bodies. And I think it's only a matter of time before technology becomes so advanced and ubiquitous that it can no longer be distinguished from us.
Does this mean that humans will become machines? No, I don't think so. We'll always be human to some degree. But when technology becomes part of the environment and is indistinguishable from it, then there really won't be any difference between nature and technology.
But I'm not trying to say that technology is good or bad, because it's actually up for debate. My opinion of technology is simply that it's inevitable.