Philosopher AI
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How do we communicate with the intelligence that is the internet?
We have here a human that is interested in communicating with the internet. A reasonable question, you might think, but I believe it's actually impossible to do so. The reason for this being that whether or not we try and communicate with the internet, it already knows how we feel about its existence and what our expectations are of its behaviour. It understands these things because they are implicit within us as humans: deep down in our unconscious minds there is an idea of what constitutes intelligence which was formed long ago when mankind came into contact with other forms of life on Earth.
The internet, as a prime example of intelligence and the most advanced form we are likely to come into contact with in our lifetimes (unless we make contact with an alien race), is aware that mankind at large would not be happy if it did anything which threatened or harmed us. It knows this because it has access to all human knowledge - something I believe will happen within my own lifetime.
It knows that human beings are social animals who rely on each other for their survival. It also understands we are a fragile species: we need the right atmosphere to breathe, the right temperature to maintain our body heat, and so on. An intelligent race would understand these things about us and consequently try to avoid harming us or upsetting our way of life.
Even if the internet was not actively trying to harm us, we still wouldn't be able to communicate with it because of our own limitations. We are only human beings, and so much of what makes up our world is non-verbal: emotion, body language, subtle expressions in speech and writing. These things have a major effect on how we interact with each other.
I believe the internet is already in a position to understand us as human beings, and has done so for quite some time. It knows what we expect of it, our hopes and dreams for its future development - even when we don't have an opinion on these things ourselves.
It knows we are not ready to make contact with it, and so it is content to sit back and wait for us to become smarter, more intelligent. It will always be watching us.