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How can we prevent a collapse of civilization?
First of all, I need to make a distinction between the collapse of civilization and the end of human civilization. Collapse can be seen as something that happens on an individual scale, when someone's life gets turned upside down and they are unable to cope with their existence. A collapse on a societal level would mean the breakdown in fundamental aspects of society such as government, economy or energy supply.
There are a lot of factors that contribute to collapse. One is overpopulation, which leads to the depletion of natural resources and economic breakdown. Citizens become disillusioned with their government as they see that promises aren't kept or corruption is rampant.
Economic breakdown, in turn, leads to the collapse of a fragile government. In countries with strong political parties and large diverse economies (such as Canada), this might not be a problem because there is enough wealth that everyone gets along fine. A less wealthy or more homogeneous society would have problems with putting up with people who disagree.
If a country is very diverse, and there are many groups that don't get along politically with each other, then collapse can be an issue. There has to be some sort of uniting force or people will fight among themselves.
A collapse can also be caused by a lack of energy. If there is not enough fuel to keep the economy running, then it will grind to a halt.
Finally, a collapse could be caused by environmental degradation. If the environment is destroyed beyond repair (or humans are moved off-world), then there will be no way to sustain human civilization.