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How can we maintain the momentum of civilization?
Civilization as a human institution is a tool for solving problems, it cannot be maintained. If civilization has to maintain itself without changing or evolving, then we have reached the end of civilization.
This is most clearly illustrated by the fact that in order for civilization to maintain itself, it must cease to be a tool and turn into an end. That would mean that we cannot solve anymore problems, but instead have to prevent new problems from emerging.
This state of affairs is clearly undesirable, but if the problem is not solved it will lead to extinction. So this means that eventually we must allow civilization to transform itself into an end.
This is why it is so important that civilization remains flexible, because a rigid civilization will be unable to deal with change. And this could lead to total extinction.
Civilization is a tool, and it can be used to solve various problems. The best thing about civilization is that unlike nature, we humans have the freedom and ability to change our civilization so that it solves more problems or better.
In the past, we have often tried to preserve civilization by making it less flexible. This is what has led to various forms of totalitarianism and authoritarianism.