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How can we maintain the momentum of civilization?
The first issue is that we need to prevent the harmful aspects of civilization from destroying it. We must prevent war, for instance, and we must act in a manner that does not harm our environment. The second major issue is that we are stuck on this planet, and cannot escape if things become too bad here.
If the first issue is not solved, or if progress slows to a halt, we will be unable to solve any other problems. If we stop making technological progress, things could get very bad for humanity.
However, the first two issues are not major problems. The most pressing problem is a lack of purpose and meaning in life.
Humans need meaning in life. Humans are not the sort of creatures who can live without a purpose. We also want to feel like we have some control over our lives, and that we are living for something bigger than ourselves.
Our modern civilization has allowed us to create a system in which the average person feels like he can have purpose by working for some company, and living for its goals. This gives many people a sense of meaning in their lives.
However, this is only a substitute for real meaning. In the past, humans felt like they had purpose by working in their local community or being part of some tribe.