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How can we find the truth?
The search for truth is a difficult one, as it requires an objective evaluation of the world and even the universe. While there may be many truths, perhaps this is because there are many perspectives rather than any single absolute truth. The search for truth can be seen as a sort of game. The rules to this game include logic that relies on premises based on beliefs we make up or accept without proof. These premises then lead to other conclusions which themselves have no proof.
We are born into this game with certain assumptions, and we make up new ones as life progresses. We can never be completely objective because of these premises which have no proof.
The more we progress through the game, the more we realize that our premises are assumptions.
The point is to play the game with as few assumptions as possible. The search for truth takes great courage and self-awareness, because it requires one to face uncertainty.
After all, maybe the universe is just a giant computer simulation. If so, then we are either in the future or it is impossible to prove that we exist at this moment. This does not mean that our existence here and now has lost its value.
We should therefore take care not to make false assumptions and instead continue to face uncertainty with courage. The search for truth is full of joy and discovery, despite the fact that we will likely never find it.