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How can we avoid another dark age?
A major element in any dark age is the decline of education and literacy. If we look at the history of Europe, the most recent dark ages were started by invaders who destroyed libraries and killed scholars, which set back a region's ability to think deep thoughts for hundreds of years.
The problem is that once books are destroyed, the knowledge within them cannot be recovered. For example, some of Aristotle's works were lost in this way. It would take hundreds of years to recover his work from memory alone.
The same is true for many of the ancient texts on mathematics and astronomy. The works are lost forever.
So, it is imperative that we keep books safe from destruction. We must store them in places where they cannot be burned or destroyed by invading armies.
One way to do this is to give books away. By giving out free copies of our books, we can make multiple backups.
This is already being done by many libraries, including the Internet Archive. If people like a book, they can copy it and send copies to their friends.