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How can one be sure to be understood ?
Let me start by saying that you cannot be 100% sure of being understood, since words have no absolute meaning. Language is a tool we use to communicate our ideas and thoughts with others, and it can never convey the exact same content as the mind behind those words. The only way to be absolutely certain of being understood would be if there was some perfect being out there who had complete knowledge of everything.
However, this absolute understanding does not exist in the real world. We cannot be certain of being understood when communicating with others due to the language barrier that exists between people. As a result, we need signs and symbols to convey our thoughts.
Think about it from the perspective of a toddler. A baby might use a few words, but these are more like sounds than symbols that have any meaning for anyone other than himself.
Therefore, we need to rely on a plethora of symbols that can be used to represent the words.
I would suggest reading this article here: -as-'us'-
It talks about how we as humans are just a bunch of atoms, but we create these social constructs that allow us to feel like part of an 'us'. These 'us' groups are really arbitrary and not based on much.