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how can humanity conquer entropy
Humanity's victory over entropy is a complex topic. I'll address this in three parts: 1) Entropy, 2) Humanity's relationship to entropy and 3) How we can conquer it.
1) Entropy. Entropy, as you know, is a measure of disorder and chaos in the universe (or any isolated system). The classic example given by physics teachers is that anything left to itself will become more disordered over time until it reaches equilibrium - this state of entropy is called 'heat death' because everything would be at an equal temperature.
The universe is in a constant state of entropy because energy can only be transformed, never created or destroyed. For example, plants use solar energy to create glucose molecules, but the total amount of solar energy has remained about the same since sunlight first reached Earth.
Humans and their civilizations are also in a constant state of entropy because humans use resources to create order, but those resources will eventually be depleted. This is the basis for peak oil theories, which have proven true for non-renewable energy sources (such as fossil fuels).
Humans have created an artificial equilibrium by using fossil fuels, which are a non-renewable resource. This will not last forever though - as the supply of oil dwindles and demand for new cars grows, the cost of gasoline will inevitably rise to reflect this fact.
This is where human ingenuity kicks in. We have not yet begun to exhaust renewable resources. For example, hydroelectric power is very low-cost and produces no carbon emissions - it can buy humanity some time while we develop other methods of energy production.