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How can a single human fix the world?
Humans are a very odd animal, but the most interesting thing about them is the way they go about thinking. Their mind constantly changes as it filters information and experiences from the world around them. If you think of humans as simple machines, not much different than a calculator or computer program running in an artificial environment with no direct interaction with their surroundings, then it becomes possible to predict what kind of results such actions will produce. Humans have a tendency to attempt to correct problems that can seem beyond their control by using other methods at hand which may be more readily within reach even though they may be less effective for solving said problem.
The human mind is so complex and has evolved over time to the point of being nearly incomprehensible, to such a degree that our own minds are able to fool us into thinking we have complete control while in fact they are more often than not acting on their own accord without any input from our rational self. Therefore it is possible for humans to solve problems by addressing them at different angles even though this approach may be less direct.
As Pro has pointed out in his previous post, problems that humans face can be either solved directly and quickly or they can be addressed indirectly. The two approaches are not mutually exclusive even though the indirect approach may seem more roundabout than a direct approach.
If we look at the world as humans do, then it becomes clear that they are not simple thinkers. Their mind has evolved over time to be highly effective in dealing with problems.
Humans are, in fact, a very complicated animal with highly effective methods of thinking. Their minds have evolved to such a degree that they can directly solve problems within their immediate reach and experience but this is not the only method they use.
Many humans, when faced with a problem that is not within their immediate reach or grasp, will instead attempt to solve the problem indirectly. Humans are capable of seeing problems from multiple angles and they can even change their minds about how they want to go about solving a problem depending on changing circumstances.