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health benefits of drinking coffee?
I guess I will start by saying that, as you know, humans are mostly water. Most of the molecules in your body are made up of H20. You have seen the molecule for water before so I won't go into detail about how it is structured and what makes it different from other molecules.
The more interesting part is that, as you know, most of the water on Earth isn't pure H20. It's full of minerals and other compounds. There are also many different kinds of water (i.e., saltwater and freshwater). Of course, they both have the same structure but their chemical properties are very different.
Now, what does this have to do with coffee? Well, you see, most of your body is made up of cells. Cells are the building blocks for life.
These cells contain water and other compounds. When the cell is refreshed with sugar, caffeine or any kind of chemicals like those found in coffee, it becomes a more efficient machine.
In other words, your body becomes more efficient and faster at doing what it does. The cell can move around more freely, but also in a quicker manner.
You may have heard of cells as the building blocks for life. This is true, but you should also know that they are constantly dying and replicating. That is why you need to eat food or else your body will become weak.