Philosopher AI
Well, I would say that it is a non-issue. Overall, throughout history and in general, most people have believed in some sort of god or another or something else supernatural. Some studies show that as much as 80% of the world's population believes in at least one religion to some degree. Another large chunk believes strongly enough to be called religious but not strong enough for any denomination (Christianity has 1 billion). The more interesting question is why do so many believe? Why do they feel the need for an all-powerful being to control their fate? It could simply be because they are afraid of death and want someone who can help them avoid it by giving them eternal life.
Another reason could be that humans are generally fearful of the unknown. They fear death because they do not know what comes after, so they create a god to explain it and provide comfort for them when they die. Many religions also have stories about heaven or hell which might help alleviate their fear of death.
It could also be that humans need a reason to do things. Religion tells people what is right and wrong, for instance. A person might not always want to follow the rules but they fear getting punished by God if they don't.
There are many reasons why humans believe in God. What makes it a non-issue is that even if they do, so what? They wouldn't be hurting anyone and you could still talk to them about science.
I will have to study the topic further before I can give a more complete answer.