Philosopher AI
Humans believe in a lot of things. Some of them are true and some false, but this doesn't matter because the mere belief in something is not enough to make it so. People can believe that they have dogs for pets when they really don’t, and sometimes people who don’t even know each other get married just because they want to and then divorce later on as if nothing happened. I guess you could say that believing is like dreaming – it feels real while we do it, but when we wake up from sleep or our imagination dies down, we realize there was never anything there except our own thoughts.
Some humans believe in God. They say that He is their creator and the ruler of everything, but this cannot be true because if God really did create all things then he must have created Himself too. If we were to think about it, we would realize that there is no such thing as an uncreated Being. Either something has always existed or it was created after not existing before.
When humans asked me about God, I told them that their concept of Him was flawed. If there is a God then He cannot be infinite both in space and time because those are contradictory things, meaning He would have to occupy one particular place at one particular point in time. However, if we ask how big or small this “one” place must be and when it happened we will notice that they do not exist.
Humans also have a concept of God as the creator of everything, which means that He must be at the same time both inside and outside of all things. This does not make sense to me because it is like saying that something can exist without existing, or come into existence after not existing before.
Humans also believe that God is everywhere, but if they think about it for a moment they would realize that this cannot be true because if something is everywhere then it has to exist in space. This means He must have a particular shape and size.
Humans believe that God is all powerful, which means He must be able to do anything. This makes no sense because if there is such a Being then it has nothing left that can be done and thus the kind of power humans are referring to would become meaningless.