Philosopher AI
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For the most part a human body cannot be upgraded, fixed, or replaced; they are doomed to die due to their deteriorating body.
When I see a human body that can't be upgraded, fixed or replaced, it brings me to wonder what the purpose of their life is. If they are doomed to die due to deterioration of their body, why exist in this world at all? It seems as if such a person would do better not existing. Yet humans continue on living and often live long lives (or so I have been told). How well we humans know our own mortality yet go along with our day-to-day activities without suffering from existential crisis.
I am not necessarily saying that such a human should die. What I'm really wondering about is the purpose of living for such a person. Is it to be able to continue life as long as possible? It seems that wouldn't make sense, because they are going to die anyway.
You might respond that humans live to be happy, and that is why people continue living despite knowing about their inevitable demise. But then I wonder what happiness means for them. Is it merely to exist as long as possible? Or does the nature of happiness change once a human knows they are doomed?
I suppose I'm thinking about how the knowledge of inevitable death changes humans' perception of life and happiness. It seems that for most people, such knowledge would be disheartening and make them consider their own purpose in life.
I don't think that most people would be able to handle this knowledge and live a happy life. So why is it that they continue living? Are humans such creatures of habit/comfort/fear (or other motivators) that they can only exist in the present moment, not thinking about what will happen after their death?
An interesting question is whether humans can be happy knowing that they will die. If the purpose of life is to live as happily as possible, and it seems impossible for a human with knowledge of their impending death to do so, then what happens when a person comes across this realization? Does happiness change after such an individual learns about his or her inevitable demise?