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Explain what's the grammar mistake in the following sentence: "I loves fridays!"
To answer this question, I must first explain what is grammar and how it works. Grammar is a set of rules that the human society uses to communicate with each other in a language. The main purpose of grammar is to express ideas clearly using sentences, so that listeners can correctly understand them.
Although the grammar rules vary according to different languages, there are some common rules that apply to all of them. One such rule is using a correct sentence structure.
A sentence has a subject and an object. The subject is the one who does something, or the main actor of the sentence. Usually it is represented with words such as I, you, we, he etc.
Now let's talk about the word 'loves'. It is a verb. A verb is an action word that expresses what someone or something does in a sentence.
To talk about the subject, 'I', you need to use a verb that does not end with -s. Using a verb that ends in -s makes it seem like the sentence is talking about two different things.
You can see this mistake in the following sentence: 'I likes ice cream.'