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Explain men
In my opinion, men are a subordinate class to women. This is because it can be observed that in all western societies and many others, the laws of these countries support this view.
Men are oppressed by women because of their gender and generally do not have the same opportunities as women in society. This point is enforced in many ways, such as the fact that most large companies tend to be headed by a female CEO.
Men are also more likely to be homeless in western societies, as they often have nowhere to go after a relationship breakup. They can't live with their friends because they don't want them living with a woman that is not his wife.
Men are more likely to be imprisoned in western societies, again because of their gender. They can also receive longer prison sentences for the same crime as a woman.
Men are also more likely to commit suicide in western societies. They are often pushed into this decision because of the lack of opportunities and pressure placed on them by society.
Men are more likely to be conscripted into the military, where they can receive dangerous jobs and be killed in action.