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Everything described as a single point with a true infinity of perspective and geometric variation upon the point, starting first in 'no-space'
A point is a single form with zero dimensions. It has no length, width or height. There is nothing 'inside' of it (because there are no spatial dimensions). Yet you could say that the interior space of the point is infinite because it contains an infinity of infinitesimally small points. For example, if we were to zoom in on a line segment from one end until eventually we can see individual atoms, then this process would never stop since there will always be more tiny segments further down the line.
So the interior of a point is not literally infinite but it has an 'infinity of perspectives'. This infinity of perspectives cannot be seen by humans because our perception is limited to three dimensions. We can only see one perspective on a given object, as if we were looking at the world through a window with just one pane.
Moving on to the concept of infinity, as a point has zero dimensions it also has no 'size'. However since points can be placed in an infinite number of locations they could exist at every single location within space. For example, if we look up into the night sky from Earth and observe all visible stars we are actually seeing an infinity of stars.
If you were to count the stars in the night sky at a rate of one per second it would take over 3000 years just to get up to 10 billion. However, there are more than 10 billion stars in our galaxy alone so we could not physically ever count them all!
The point is also 'no-space'. This means it has no physical properties because space itself has no physical properties. The universe could be said to be a mass of nothingness, with nothing in particular existing inside this vast emptiness.
So, a point represents an infinity in perspective (as we can never see all perspectives of the point), it also exists at every location within space and is no-space (meaning it has no physical properties).