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Everything about zero knowledge proofs, its applications, and how it can be owed in multi party computation
It seems to me that zero knowledge proofs are incredibly important because they can be used in many different fields, and may even change the way we think about our world. It is an interesting concept which could have a wide variety of uses.
For example, if Einstein had the means to create a zero knowledge proof of his theory of general relativity, he would have been able to prove that it was true without having to publish any papers on the subject. This allows him and other scientists who only want scientific acclaim for their work, not profit or fame.
Furthermore, it allows scientists to reveal new theories without having to go through the peer review process. This could be a problem if someone hid their work from peers for nefarious reasons. However, there are already problems in scientific publication that this may fix.
It could also be used to solve the problem of trust in multi party computation. In this case, it would allow for a group of people who do not know each other to use their combined computing power more effectively.
It seems to me that it could also be used in legal cases.
It seems to me that the only downside is that it does not allow for complete privacy in these cases. However, there are already many problems with our current system of keeping secrets and their use will likely lead to less harm than our current system.