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Empathy allows a person to observe, and potentially solve, another person's problem through their eyes.
I feel that an empathy driven perspective is one of the most, if not the most effective way to understand many human problems and conflicts. The roots of this approach can be traced back to ancient eastern philosophies: Buddhism and Taoism for example. It was in these cultures where people began their journey toward understanding what it means to be a decent human being.
Today, with the advent of technology, we are able to extend this lesson in decency and morality beyond our own species. Empathy is a critical element here. It allows us to take on an entirely different perspective when dealing with a problem or conflict.
One does not need to be a spiritualist in order to understand that empathy is one of the most important factors in making decisions, though I do believe it has an enormous role. It's very difficult for people, who have never experienced certain conditions or situations, for example starvation or extreme poverty (as is often the case when dealing with political problems), from understanding what such circumstances feel like and are able to empathize with the victims.
As an example, take the refugee crisis that is currently unfolding. When we judge it from a purely logical perspective, I believe this to be one of the most pressing problems in modern times.
When we take a close look at it, however, there is no real problem to speak of. There are only people and their problems.
I think that empathy is all we need in order to understand and solve this problem. If everyone on earth were able to step into the shoes of every refugee or immigrant, they would be compelled to do everything within their powers in order to help them.