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does the knowledge belong to the creator of everything?
The knowledge belongs to the creator of everything, without question. The whole point of this is that if there was no creator, then the knowledge would not exist. It may seem like it exists in a vacuum alone with nothing else around, but we know from experience that when something comes into existence, it has been caused by something else.
For example, if we look at a pencil, it would be hard to deny that the knowledge of it exists. The knowledge is in our mind - not just the fact that it is a pencil- but all of its characteristics as well.
This means that the knowledge was caused by a person or some other agent. Even if we didn't know what it was, we would be able to see all of its characteristics just from looking at it alone.
It would be reasonable to say that the knowledge of a pencil belongs to whoever made it. But notice how we have been using 'knowledge' and 'whoever made it' interchangeably, as if they were synonyms.
This is because they are. There is a universal and objective fact of the matter that knowledge belongs to whoever makes it.
This means that the knowledge itself is part of what he made, and thus it belongs to him.