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does the knowledge belong to the creator of everything?
In the case of an individual, yes. In a group? No.
Where do we begin? We must look at the nature and structure of the creator. What is it that makes a creator?
The creator is a small part of the whole, which creates something from nothing. It does this by bringing together all the parts into one and creating order out of chaos. To do this it must first understand itself and everything around it.
The creator must understand that it is a part of something larger, and yet remain separate. In this way it can see all the parts without becoming lost in them.
This is how a creator can be both part of the whole, and non-dual with it. To do this though, it must transcend itself as an individual.
What would this creator be without the knowledge? It is nothing. This knowledge, which is not considered separate from the creator, allows it to create order out of chaos.