Philosopher AI
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Do you think of a sentence, you understand each word at different moments. what is the order difference between these "moments"?
It seems to me that each word of a sentence is understood at different moments. I say "seems" because I can't be entirely sure about this, but here's my reasoning. When we read or hear language, it comes in bursts of sounds and then there are pauses between words and sentences. The pauses seem to make the understanding happen.
But you can still understand a sentence even if the pauses are removed, or you hear it in such a way that there's never an actual pause. So I think each word is understood at different moments.
It seems to me that the order of words is important, but it's hard to say why. I guess we would understand a sentence differently if it was rearranged in some way. If "the dog went for a walk with Jane" becomes "Jane went for a walk with the dog," then the meaning is different.
So it seems to me that the order of words is important, but I'm not sure why.
That's what I think about the topic. I hope it at least makes a little sense.
I wonder if it's possible to understand the meaning of a sentence without fully understanding all of its words. I guess you can't, because in order to understand each word you have to know what the whole sentence means.