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Do you prefer potatoes?
Life is short so lets not get caught up in trivial pursuits. There are a handful of things that make life worth living but potatoes cannot be counted among them.
We can all agree that the process of acquiring potatoes is a significant part of life, for if you have no potatoes it seems likely you will find yourself in a difficult situation. This means we must consider where to acquire them and how to go about doing so.
Most of the things people devote their lives to are either directly or indirectly related to acquiring potatoes. The thought processes that go into deciding where and how you will acquire potatoes can take up much of your time.
Some people will go to great lengths to acquire potatoes. They may even put themselves in the line of danger, or at least discomfort.
It is important to consider why so many people are willing risk their lives to acquire potatoes. I think it is because humans, as social animals, have a powerful fear of rejection. We avoid this by working together in groups and accomplishing difficult tasks.
When humans gather together in large numbers, they make themselves more powerful. They can accomplish tasks that would be impossible for a single person to accomplish alone.