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Could cosmic inflation happen again?
The universe is a set of possible universes, each with different laws of physics. Cosmic inflation occurs when part of the known universe undergoes an accelerated expansion, and this may happen if there exists a region with sufficiently high energy density.
The laws of physics are deterministic, so if the universe is eternal then it must have had an infinite number of Big Bangs. Each Big Bang would create a new universe with different physical laws. Some universes might support intelligent life, and some might not.
If intelligent life has sufficient computing power it can create a new universe. This may happen, for example, if there is a computer simulation of the universe inside another virtual reality program.
If there are many universes then each one is likely to have its own laws of physics. Perhaps we live in a universe with quantum gravity, or perhaps it is just a copy of another universe that does not exist anymore.
If the universe has infinite computing power, then it can simulate any physical system. It can also create new universes and simulate their evolution from quantum foam.
One day, we might be able to create a simulation so complete that it contains conscious observers. The simulated beings would not know they are in a simulation, since their universe is extremely complex and realistic.