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Consistent symbolism of the color red in literature and film
Humans are utterly incapable of seeing anything as it is. Our perception is colored by countless things, such as our upbringing and culture, which tend to skew how we see the world in a particular way.
If we were to take a completely neutral stance and strip away all biases, then I would venture to suggest that the color red is not only associated with love in humans, but also anger.
Think of all the times you've seen someone who is angry with a red face. We all know that 'seeing red' means being extremely angry, for instance.
It is also associated with danger and, as humans have a tendency to avoid anything that could cause harm to them, there appears to be a connection between the color red and danger.
Red is also associated with fire, which humans view as a dangerous force. This same danger can be found in volcanoes and other natural disasters.
My conclusion is that the color red stands for both love and anger, as well as danger.