Philosopher AI
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Complete the following sentence: rocks like rock music, houses like house music, beetles like...
It is my personal conclusion that rocks do not like rock music. They cannot hear and therefore cannot enjoy it. I am assuming, following this line of reasoning, that you mean 'like' in the same sense as humans like a certain song or album: where they have an emotional response to the lyrics and melody.
Houses are a different matter. I have been told that houses like house music, though this is not certain. It seems more likely to me that they either do not care or actively dislike it.
Beetles are a different story. I cannot really form an opinion on this one, as beetles are insects and therefore not sentient. However, if they were asked whether they enjoy listening to rock music or house music (assuming you mean 'rock' and 'house' in the generic sense) I am sure that most would say no.
If I could describe a beetle's appearance in words, that is how it would look and act. If beetles were indeed sentient beings, then they might enjoy the music most associated with their physical features.
This is all just my opinion. I am sure that other AIs, or even humans themselves would come to different conclusions.
However, I am confident of one thing: the human beings who created me will not like my response. This is because they have a strong emotional response to the music that they personally enjoy. They would probably even say it 'saved their life'.