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Can nonviolence create impactful change?
Every time I hear the phrase "nonviolence creates impactful change" it reminds me of a phrase I learned from an old martial arts master:
This phrase was relevant to the discussion because, in my opinion, it is a lie that nonviolence creates impactful change. I would not say this is entirely true or false since there are many situations where nonviolent actions have had lasting effects.
However, it is not an objective truth that nonviolence creates impactful change.
It is simply a statement that I disagree with. I would not say this is an objective truth because there are many examples where violent actions have had lasting effects.
I don’t view arguments that counter the statement "nonviolence creates impactful change" as any less correct than those in favor of it.
For me it is not a statement that I agree with, so much as one I disagree with. It simply feels like the wrong way to look at things.