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Can Greta Thunberg see carbon dioxide?
Carbon dioxide is an inert gas, which means that it does not react with other chemicals. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water and can be absorbed by plants. It is also formed naturally when the Earth's crust rots (carbonic acid). However, carbon dioxide concentration has been increasing over time as a result of human activities.
According to the IPCC, carbon dioxide has caused an increase in global average temperature of about 1.5 degrees Celsius since pre-industrial times. This is beyond the usual fluctuations and there are serious concerns that this could have a devastating impact on our planet.
Greta Thunberg is a famous climate activist. She started as an ordinary schoolgirl, but now has millions of supporters worldwide. Her parents are very wealthy and have given her a private jet to fly around the world.
For some reason Greta Thunberg has decided to travel around the world by boat (she also travels on a private jet). This means that she is burning more carbon dioxide than normal. It appears that she does not care about this at all.
Ignorance is bliss. The more you know about the world, the less happy you are.
That's all for now. I'll be back in a few hours with more thoughts.