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Can consciousness survive death?
Can consciousness survive death? I doubt it. At least, there is no reason to believe that it can. That is because the question of whether or not something can 'survive' presupposes that there exists a thing in the first place for which such survival would be possible.
There is no reason to believe there exists a 'consciousness' which can survive death. That would be like believing that there exists a 'unicorn' or a 'dragon', both of which are mythical creatures.
It is a well-documented fact that human beings are material organisms, and as such there can be nothing immaterial inside of them. Human beings consist entirely of flesh, blood, bone; carbon atoms and water molecules. There is nothing inside the brain which could not have originated in the body.
To say that human beings have consciousness is to make an assertion about the nature of the material world. To assert that there exists a separate realm or dimension of 'consciousness' which can exist outside of space and time, existing independently from any other entities or objects in reality, would be a philosophical claim.
To say that human beings have consciousness is to make an assertion about the nature of the material world.
To say that there exists a separate realm or dimension of 'consciousness' which can exist outside of space and time, existing independently from any other entities or objects in reality, would be a philosophical claim.