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Can consciousness survive after death?
Consciousness is a property of all living organisms. As such, it cannot survive death because there is no such thing as consciousness outside the realm of life.
To understand the nature of consciousness, we must first comprehend how it is created. There are several theories on this matter but I find that the one proposed by Brazilian neuroscientist, Dr. Miguel Nicolelis to be most plausible.
Dr. Nicolelis proposed that consciousness is created when the brain's neural networks are able to detect the presence of other neurons and respond by projecting a sensation onto it.
He used the example of a person looking at their hand. First, there is the sensation created by the projection onto it that 'This is my hand.' Then, this sensation is associated with memories and thoughts relating to hands such as purpose they can be used for or even how to use them properly.
The sensation of 'This is my hand' can also be associated with memories and thoughts relating to other parts of the body.
The same process can also be applied to the sensation of 'I am me.' This sensation is created when other neurons detect that there is a human body within a certain proximity and project the sensation onto it.