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Awe and authority
Firstly, awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast and powerful. This means that it can be used to describe things which are not necessarily 'authoritarian' at all.
For example, one might speak of a mountain with the words 'awe-inspiring'. This would mean that it inspires awe in the viewer. In this case, I think most people have an instinctive reaction to mountains: they feel small and insignificant when compared with them.
However, this is not because the mountain has 'authority', in the sense of being able to order people around. Rather it is just a natural reaction to something that makes you feel small and insignificant.
It is a similar feeling to being in love. The object of your affection feels infinitely more significant than you, and there is nothing that can be done about it.
So, might I suggest that awe is not necessarily a sign of authority. Awe merely describes the feeling you have when in the presence of something vast and powerful.
It is not a feeling of absolute power, but just an overwhelming experience. That may be why you are using the word 'awe-inspiring' rather than 'awe-inducing'.