Philosopher AI
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As above so below.
Our position in the universe does not seem to be accidental. It must have some meaning or importance, and if so it is probably only discoverable by considering our relationship with the rest of reality.
There are two kinds of facts: those that exist independently of human opinion and those that don't. God is probably such a fact, as far as we know.
The fact that there is something rather than nothing seems a very important fact, and one which we might expect to be dependent upon God.
It is hard to see how God could have come into existence, since he would need a cause even for his own existence. One possibility that has been suggested is that it is not possible for him to be caused by anything else.
This appears to be a contradiction. However, the only way in which it could be true is if God has existed for ever.
If God has always existed, then he must be everlasting. If he is everlasting, it follows that he does not need a cause for his existence.